Campbell and Bowis Campbell & Bowis Heavy Tine Chisel Ploug Campbell & Bowis Heavy Tine Chisel Ploug



Cultivators Blue

ell & Bowis Heavy Tine Chisel Plough with 15 spring auto reset ,adjustable depth wheels, great for ripping up winter feed ground.

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ell & Bowis Heavy Tine Chisel Plough with 15 spring auto reset ,adjustable depth wheels, great for ripping up winter feed ground.

Make:Campbell and BowisModel:Campbell & Bowis Heavy Tine Chisel Ploug Campbell & Bowis Heavy Tine Chisel PloughWidth:350mTransmission:n/aVehicle body:CultivatorsStock Number:21379

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233 Alford Forest Road,
Ashburton 7700 Canterbury