Kverneland Geospread fertiliser spreader


Fertilising & Pest Control Spreaders

eland Geospread fert spreader with 3000l hopper and boundary spread device. This unit has ISOBUS controls and full section control to ensure very accurate spreading and reduce fertiliser wastage. It has had a full sand blast and respray and is now ready for a new full life.
New price around $60k so this is very well priced at $22,000 + GST

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eland Geospread fert spreader with 3000l hopper and boundary spread device. This unit has ISOBUS controls and full section control to ensure very accurate spreading and reduce fertiliser wastage. It has had a full sand blast and respray and is now ready for a new full life.
New price around $60k so this is very well priced at $22,000 + GST

Make:KvernelandModel:Geospread fertiliser spreader Transmission:n/aVehicle body:Fertilising & Pest Control SpreadersStock Number:18828

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Phone03 349 5975Emailcanterburysales@powerfarming.co.nz

1 George Holmes Rd,
Rolleston 7675 Canterbury