Rata Mole Plough


Soil Cultivation - OtherYear: 2024

Rata Double Mole Plough
Double box section chassis
Land skids for great contour following
Floating headstock
Hydraulic blade control
Blade extends to near horizontal to go under single wire fences & into drains
Ni-hard leg protection
Ni-hard winged point
Replaceable wear protection
Shearbolt leg protection
75mm revolving plug

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Working depth of up to 450mm
Quickleg blade design for clean pasture cutting!

Make:RataModel:Mole Plough Year:2024Transmission:n/aVehicle body:Soil Cultivation - OtherStock Number:22988-1

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Contact Details

Phone06 323 8182Emailmanawatusales@powerfarming.co.nz

41 Kawakawa Rd,
Feilding 4775 Wanganui Manawatu