Welcome to Power Farming Te Awamutu


Here in the Waikato you’re not just a client, you are part of the Power Farming team. We pride ourselves on being part of your organisation and most of all, making sure that your business grows. The reason we get out of bed in the morning is to make sure your team is not just the best performing in your district, you’re up there with the best in the country. In fact, the best in the world.

Call (07) 870 2411 or visit our dealership at 200 Benson Road, Te Awamutu.



Murray Barclay

Murray Barclay

Dealer Principal
0274 753 690
Mike Whitburn

Mike Whitburn

Sales Manager
0274 824 614
Shane Cox

Shane Cox

Operations Support Manager
021 717 264

Support Team

Scott McCandlish

Scott McCandlish

Service Manager
027 676 5981
Derek Howard

Derek Howard

Parts Manager
07 870 2411
Raewyn Corin

Raewyn Corin

Administration Manager
0274 711 898

Contact Power Farming Te Awamutu

Name *
Phone Number
Email Address *
Contact Murray BarclayPhone 07 870 2411Email teawamutusales@powerfarming.co.nz


Deutz-Fahr, Kioti, Versatile, Merlo, Howard, Jaylor, Vicon, McHale, Maschio Gaspardo, APV, Taarup, Kverneland, Walco, Sam, Fence Pro, Rata, Hustler, Aitchison, Redback, JCB Construction


200 Benson Road, Te Awamutu 3800 Waikato

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
Sat: 9am -12pm (1st August through to 31st March, closed on Saturdays during the Winter)


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